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Acupuncture facts

Over two thousand years of careful observation of cause and effect, Acupuncture has become a powerful holistic medical system. It is used to treat a wide range of health conditions from simple acute to the more chronic, long-term debilitating conditions.  


Some of these conditions include arthritic pain, back pain and sciatica, dental pain, hay fever, IBS, menopausal symptoms, musculo-skeletal issues, nausea, PMS, severe headache and many more.


A list of conditions considered to benefit from acupuncture treatment and the current state of acupuncture knowledge, using the language of science.

For an up to date list.


The British Acupuncture Council (BAcC) has also produced fact-sheets for conditions that are considered amenable to treatment by acupuncture. For more information visit


The Acupuncture Now Foundation is a not for profit, stand alone organisation based in the US. It's focus is to improve the level of information available to the public, healthcare providers and health decision-makers about the practice of Acupuncture.

For more information visit

Acupuncture Now Foundation



Acupuncture is often used in conjunction with conventional medicine.


Acupuncture can be a powerful form of medicine where there is no clear medical diagnosis. It can do wonders for increasing your energy levels and general vitality. 


The aim of the treatment is to restore the body’s self-healing ability; treating the person- not the disease.


According to traditional Chinese medicine philosophy, our health is dependent on the smooth flow of the body’s energy, also known as ‘Qi’. Qi flows in a series of channels beneath the skin. The smooth flow of Qi can be disturbed by many factors, including emotional states, such as anxiety, anger and grief. It can be affected by trauma, infections, poor nutrition and hereditary factors. A disturbance in the flow of Qi creates an imbalance and dis-ease and illness may result. 


It is important to note that acupuncture is seldom a “one-treatment wonder”. This system requests small changes and adjustments to be made within the body making use of one’s Qi. How much Qi is available for use can vary from person to person, and from day to day. This will affect how long it takes for changes to become noticeable and thus affects the duration of a course of treatment. 


Who has Acupuncture?


Many people come for acupuncture for help with specific symptoms, others because they generally feel unwell with no clear diagnosis. Acupuncture is also chosen to enhance feelings of wellbeing. It is considered suitable for all ages, including children and babies. It can be used very effectively alongside conventional medicine.


What happens when I go for treatment?


An acupuncture practitioner will take into account the whole of your life to gain perspective on the presenting symptoms.


You will be asked what treatment you have received, your medical history, your diet, digestive system, sleeping patterns and your emotional state. A physical examination, where appropriate, and observations of the tongue and pulse can lead to a deeper understanding of any presenting symptoms and the underlying patterns of disharmony.


Through careful diagnosis, taking into account the duration of presenting symptoms the acupuncturist will propose a treatment plan. This plan will include an estimate of how many treatments are required and how frequent these should be. A course of treatment averages at around 10 sessions, depending on the nature of the presenting condition. For illness of long duration, more long-term treatment may be necessary, although conditions of an acute nature ie muscular sprains etc. are easier to treat with only perhaps 3 treatments attaining desired outcomes.


When a treatment plan has been agreed upon, treatment can commence. Very fine needles, about the thickness of a human hair, are inserted at key locations. Most people have no sensation of the needle insertion, followed by a tingling or mild ache sensation. The needles remain for about twenty to thirty minutes, while you rest comfortably. After a session you may feel relaxed or tired and it is suggested not to undertake any stressful activities for a couple of hours after a session.


What does it feel like?


Acupuncture needles are very fine compared to needles used for injections and blood tests. When the needle is inserted sensations are often described as a tingling or dull ache.


Is it safe?


Only single-use, sterile, disposable needles are used. The results of two independent surveys published by the British Medical Journal in 2001 concluded that the risk of serious adverse reaction to acupuncture is less than 1 in 10.000.


Responses to treatment can sometimes include tiredness and rarely minor bruising can occur.


Should I tell my doctor?


If you have been prescribed medication it is recommended that you tell your doctor that you are planning to have acupuncture. Medication that you are taking may affect your response to acupuncture treatment. You should tell your acupuncture practitioner about any medications you are taking.


How many sessions will I need?


The frequency and number of sessions depend on individual conditions. Occasionally only one or two treatments are required, often changes are usually felt after four or 5 treatments. Some patients require treatment spanning several months. More chronic conditions can require long-term treatment. Acupuncture is also used to maintain good general health, and regular sessions can be seen as maintenance treatments.  

Treatments are usually once per week, although they can be twice per week.



From a Western Medical perspective


The process of acupuncture releases endorphins within the body, which communicate with the Central Nervous System to implement the necessary changes and instigate the natural healing response in the body.



The wonders of Moxa


Acupuncture is often seen as ‘Acupuncture Moxibustion’.


Moxa is a herb used regularly in acupuncture treatments and creates a wonderful odour when burnt. It is the dried leaves of Mugwort (Artemis Vulgaris) and comes in a variety of forms. Its warming properties have the ability to penetrate deep into the body, invigorating and nourishing, affecting the body’s Qi. It can be used indirect on individual needles or with the aid of a “Moxabox”, which can be placed over needles or just over a designated area, or directly onto the skin. Moxa-rolls, resembling a large cigar, are also used to gently treat a range of areas over the body. It can be a deeply relaxing experience. Smokeless Moxa is also used.


Moxibustion is a specialist technique demanding skilled clinical judgment.



Aftercare considerations


After an acupuncture treatment it is advised to rest. This is not always possible, so care should be taken not to over-exert the body for a period of an hour after the session. It is advised also not to bathe or shower for an hour after the session.


Side-effects to treatment are rare, but if you feel unsure about anything that you feel is as a consequence to the treatment then please contact me.

My contact No. is 07845 001249



Important note


It is advised to have eaten something before attending a session of acupuncture. Just a snack at-least half an hour in advance.


Persons found to be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs will be refused treatment.

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